Top 10 Best Jobs in the World

Every people in the world always wants to get a job that feels not like a job. Job that is not only fun but also make them rich. This kind of job is rare but not impossible but the world already prepare this job for the lucky…

Top 10 Most Expensive Football Coaches in the World

Without a figure of a good coach we won`t see a world class football club such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester United, Roma and many other more. A good football coach knows how to chose talented football player , knows…

Top 10 Most Expensive NBA Players

Here, we are going to locate who is the most expensive NBA players in US and the rest of the world. Our first man on the list is the most expensive person. 1. Kevin Garnett $25,000,000/season Kevin Garnett Kevin Garnett …

Top 10 Greatest Guitar Players in the World

I personally like to play guitar and love to study their history. On the following list, I like to give you 10 greatest guitar player s in history according to millions guitar fans around the world. If you don’t agree with the…

Top 10 Most Expensive Colleges in the World

Here’s a list of most expensive college in the world . As we know that a college is usually an institution between school and university level. In French, college refers both to 4 years of middle school and a general concept …

Top 10 Most Expensive Shoes in the World

Here’s the Top 10 Story of most expensive shoes in the world . Shoes are item of footwear intended to protect the human foot. It also used as an item of decoration. There are many variety of designs enormously through time, …

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