Top 10 Most Expensive Colleges in the World

Here’s a list of most expensive college in the world . As we know that a college is usually an institution between school and university level. In French, college refers both to 4 years of middle school and a general concept …

Top 10 Most Expensive Shoes in the World

Here’s the Top 10 Story of most expensive shoes in the world . Shoes are item of footwear intended to protect the human foot. It also used as an item of decoration. There are many variety of designs enormously through time, …

Top 10 Biggest Earthquakes Ever Happen in the World’s History

Almost every year we heard together how this planet move, shaking up, shifting and killed thousand of lives on top of earthquake is unpredictable. It comes often with no warning. Some earthquake collaborate with Tsunami…

Top 10 Biggest Spider in the World

From hundreds or may be thousands species of Spiders around the world, we could find many interesting facts and new knowledge. Not only that, They are coming to balance the food cycle in our planet. Here, we are not going to …

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